Simon Marks offers small group music tuition in brass (trumpet, French horn and trombone), piano and guitar. The school charges between £90 – £120 per term, payable via ParentPay. These lessons take place during the school day and are held in our specialist music room. We try to rotate the timing of lessons each half term so that children do not always miss the same lessons.
Your child may miss part of a key lesson each week and you will be responsible for helping them make up this time at home.
The school is committed to continuing its promotion of group music lessons as research shows this can aid concentration and perseverance in other areas.
The school also runs a band where the children who learn individual instruments at home or school can enjoy the pleasures of playing together. There is no cost to parents for children joining the band. We expect children to demonstrate proficiency equivalent to a Grade One before joining.
Children learning musical instruments have a wide range of opportunities to perform to different audiences including at the celebrations of